[English Ministry] Chuseok (Great Full Moon Festival) Retreat 2022, SLS Church
◈ ◈ Chuseok (Great Full Moon Festival) Retreat 2022, English Ministry SLSC
◐ Dates: 2022.09.09(Fri) - 09.10(Sat)
◐ Place: Hi Seoul Youth Hostel (Yeongdeungpo gu, Seoul)
About 40 people from the Philippines, Pakistan, Ghana, Peru, England and Korea participated in the Chuseok retreat. We had a worship service in church before leaving for the retreat venue. I am so excited for this special and blessed occassion.
We took a rental bus and left for the 'Hi Seoul Youth Hostel.' The bus ran along the Han river. It was fun. Everyone was chatting with each other in different languages on the bus. The trip took about one hour.
We arrived at Hi Seoul Youth Hostel in Yeongdeungpo gu, which is in the southwest of Seoul.
The worship service started. First, we all praised God and listened to a sermon about 'Pray' by pastor Amoon.
And there were lectures entitled 'Spiritual check-up' by decon Shin and 'Prayers' by deacon Kim. We had a group meeting and we shared our life in Jesus together. It was a spiritually wonderful time.
We had time for self-introduction. It was an excellent chance to get to know each other well.
In recrearion time, everybody enjoyed fun games. It was a blast and everybody was happy. Abudant were delicious Korean rice cake 'songpyeon', bread, snacks, and drinks.
Next day we had a breakfast at hostel and went to swimming Pool (One Mount Water Park, IIsan Gyeonggi-do). Everybody had a good time. It was a Joyous and blessed retreat for all of us. All of us became one in God~!
[English Ministry] Chuseok (Great Full Moon Festival) Retreat 2022
광염게시판 - 영어예배부 수련회, Pray without ceasing!
우리 교회에는 영어예배부 (부장 김대인) 가 있습니다. 대부분은 필리핀 성도들이고, 가나, 이란, 페루, 영국 등 다른 나라에서 온 성도들도 있습니다. 이들과 함께 울고 웃으며 15명 한국인 스
서울광염교회-영어예배부 홈페이지에 오신것을 환영합니다.